Your support helps these children to keep their smiles!!

Your support helps these children to keep their smiles!!

Sep 21, 2010

The Widhya Asih Annual report

Those wishing to read the current Widhya Asih Orphanage Annual Report then please send an email to and I will email you a copy.

kind Regards

Jun 16, 2010

3 Weeks To Go!! We are counting down!!

3 Weeks To Go!!

We have our fundraising morning tea on this Sunday and there are many happy bakers out there awaiting to make scrumptious treats, don't forget to head down to the Gwynneville Community Cetnre (next to the Gwynneville Post Office) and join in on a lovely feast to raise money for this wonderful cause!!
9:30am - 11:30am.

We still need over $900 in donations to be able to buy school uniforms and the basic necessity of shoes for the orphans.  No matter how small the donation, every bit helps!!

Get in touch to help make a difference at or on The Trustee For Underprivileged Children facebook page.

Jun 3, 2010

Morning tea with a cause!!

Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010

Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Location: Gwynneville Community Hall
Street: 196 Gipps Street
City/Town: Gwynneville, Australia 

You are cordially invited to help make a difference to an orphans life.
Please join us for a morning tea with a purpose.
Feel free to donate, children’s clothes, shoes, school books, crayons, exercise books or cash donations will help to supply the children with food, medical supplies and new school uniforms.

We will be showing a short video from our last mission to show you all how much your donations have and will continue to help.

Every Little Bit Makes a Massive Difference!

Even if you do not wish to make a donation or already have then please still come down and show your support and meet other like minded caring people, have some cake and a cup of tea/coffee and enjoy a relaxed morning out.

Children, friends and family are also welcome.

Look forward to seeing you there!!

May 22, 2010

Morning tea for the children

Yay, it's time once again to unite and have a morning tea and a catch up for those who are interested.

I have a film to show that I put together from my last visit to the orphanage for those who donated last time and for those who have donated this time, not to mention those that are just interested in the idea (or just want to eat yummy cake).

Also I will be there to address any concerns or questions anyone may have regarding the charity.

Plus it is a great way to get together for a catch up and eat some yummy food even if you have already giving a donation.

Stay posted for the finer details as I am currently organising a venue as you read this.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

Amber :o)

May 17, 2010

Donations so far .....

Wow, what an amazing response so far!!
Thankyou to those who have kindly donated to this great cause!!
A big thankyou to Alison, Lydnsay, Ben, Rachel, Beth, Will and Hugh for their most recent contributions.

You have helped make a massive difference to so many innocent childrens lives.


May 12, 2010

What we are about ...

Please help keep the smiles on these beautiful children’s faces at the
Widhya AsiahII Orphanage
Blimbingsari, Bali, Indonesia

These orphans in Bali, Indonesia, have only one another. Basic needs such as food, medicine, soap, paper and pens are a luxury for them.
The government does not help!
Ibu Renny, the owner and carer of the orphanage, does her best. But there is only one of her and 78 children with 78 mouths to feed. This is where your contributions will help.
$20 to us is lunch on a Friday. $20 to them means a child can eat for 2 weeks, bathe with soap, have paper to write on, go to school, have access to medicine and most importantly smile!
I give them my time, knowledge and attention by volunteering at the school and spending quality time with the children to help them with social and emotional skills, please feel free to help by making your own donation. Your generosity is appreciated, trust me I’ve seen it in their faces. Without family and siblings life is tough, not to mention amongst poverty. These children like any have the same fears - plus more. They hold the fear of getting a fever or an infection as this can lead to death. Panadol is rarely available to these orphans. Last year using just $10 out of the donation money we saved a little boys life. Every little bit counts. The rest of the money put the children in school - it's a child’s right to be educated - or is it? Not all these children are able to attend school due to lack of funds. But with last year’s donations they all went, with new books and pencils.
Last year, with your help, we raised $823 this year let's make that happen again. Keep the smiles on the children's faces that have such warm hearts and as much right to the basics in life as we do. The money enabled me to buy 400kg of rice and 200litres of cooking oil, along with soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, books, pens and pencils for all the children. 10 brand new bikes were purchased for the orphanage so the high school kids could ride the 14km journey to school and back each day instead of walk.
So as you can see every little bit counts :o) Thank you for taking the first step by reading this letter.
To make a contribution please email me: